Monday 15 June 2009

Abercrombie & Fitch accused of disability discrimination

You couldn't make this stuff up! It all just adds to my collection of case studies for equality and diversity training. I have to thank Rich Watts for alerting me to this story (I should warn you that it links to a story on the Daily Mail website - even the Daily Mail run disability discrimination stories sometimes.)

As our work place is so close to Oxford Street, we often get asked about practices like asking for a photo of someone as part of the application process, and the recruitment of "in-store models" rather than "shop assistants." This always leads to a lively discussion about how judging someone on looks for a job can lead to discrimination on just about any ground - race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation and religion.

Friday 12 June 2009

Disabled people in senior roles

Check out this story on my sister blog - RADAR need 5 mins of your time if you are disabled and successful to help with some research which will maybe help set up schemes and networks to help other disabled people become just as successful!

Obama's man gives speech on gay rights

I read an interesting article about John Berry, one of President Obama's "Directors" and a speech that he gave about gay rights and in particular the US military's Don't ask Don't tell policy on being gay in the forces. Interesting stuff.